Tuesday, December 22, 2009
So just how did this patriarchal system start and furthermore why are we letting it hold on? Has it not been proven that equality is the only way in which we will survive? Has not the evidence of our young and old abroad and here at home who die because of the injustice of the decisions of a few not inflamed your heart, your passion for change? Ah yes change takes on being. I am the change, we all are the change,just step into the light of non-judgement and we take a step closer to a new reality.For now what we have has ceased to serve us . Our governments no longer serve us, our careers, our relationships with the world have stopped being harmonious.Take a step with me and allow yourself to be a part of the All In All and the answers will surely be there.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The Soul
The soul is very clear that its purpose is evolution. That is its sole purpose-and its soul purpose. It is not concerned with the achievements of the body or the development of the mind. These are all meaningless to the soul.
CWG1Page 82
For I am eternal and One with all things and One with All There Is.
CWG1Page 82
For I am eternal and One with all things and One with All There Is.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Has America shinned it's light on it's own?
Has the time yet come for America to heed it's own?
Where are you America? Your goals of materialism are as those of the other fallen.
America have you not seen the previous reigns of the other's...Have you not seen the fork in the road?
America destiny awaits you to be the shinning beacon of light the sword that holds back the Dragon. Step forth America it has begun and know that many in the land have prayed for the Lord to deliver unto them what has been promised since the beginning.
The time is today yet it once was yesterday but shall be tomorrow.
Has the time yet come for America to heed it's own?
Where are you America? Your goals of materialism are as those of the other fallen.
America have you not seen the previous reigns of the other's...Have you not seen the fork in the road?
America destiny awaits you to be the shinning beacon of light the sword that holds back the Dragon. Step forth America it has begun and know that many in the land have prayed for the Lord to deliver unto them what has been promised since the beginning.
The time is today yet it once was yesterday but shall be tomorrow.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Because Of You Lord....
Because of You Lord...I can never stray to far that you may bring me back.
Because of You Lord...I can walk in the darkness and never fear.
Because of You Lord...I will always seek out the higher good.
Because of You Lord...I can cry at the troubles of a world that ignores You.
Because of You Lord...I can never see without Hope of a brighter day.
Because of You Lord...I have Faith that you will deliver me.
Because of You Lord...I have Courage to walk in Your Light.
Because of You Lord...I never have to be afraid to fall...for You will lift me up.
Because of You Lord...I Am.
Because of You Lord...I can walk in the darkness and never fear.
Because of You Lord...I will always seek out the higher good.
Because of You Lord...I can cry at the troubles of a world that ignores You.
Because of You Lord...I can never see without Hope of a brighter day.
Because of You Lord...I have Faith that you will deliver me.
Because of You Lord...I have Courage to walk in Your Light.
Because of You Lord...I never have to be afraid to fall...for You will lift me up.
Because of You Lord...I Am.
To be
Remember the things you knew before you ever knew anything. In those things you will discover who you truly are.
Pay attention to what you know without a doubt but cannot explain. Be reasonable while knowing that there is also much value beyond reason.
Find treasures in the rich world of material and sensation, and delight in them. Yet keep in mind that those treasures are mere tokens of the real treasure that is your very existence.
Be joyful for everything and for no reason at all. The joy that endures is the joy that flows freely from your desire to experience it.
Realize that you are even more beautiful than the most beautiful thing you can comprehend. Because you are able to bring all that beauty to life.
What an amazing thing it is to be. Live today in your own unique and miraculous way.
-- Ralph Marston
Remember the things you knew before you ever knew anything. In those things you will discover who you truly are.
Pay attention to what you know without a doubt but cannot explain. Be reasonable while knowing that there is also much value beyond reason.
Find treasures in the rich world of material and sensation, and delight in them. Yet keep in mind that those treasures are mere tokens of the real treasure that is your very existence.
Be joyful for everything and for no reason at all. The joy that endures is the joy that flows freely from your desire to experience it.
Realize that you are even more beautiful than the most beautiful thing you can comprehend. Because you are able to bring all that beauty to life.
What an amazing thing it is to be. Live today in your own unique and miraculous way.
-- Ralph Marston
Friday, March 06, 2009
A good compromise, a good piece of legislation, is like a good sentence; or a good piece of music. Everybody can recognize it. They say, 'Huh. It works. It makes sense.'
Barack Obama
Barack Obama
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Are We There Yet?

From here..where do we go? As a child I grew up in a country that struggled with race relations.,Yesterday many think the problem has been solved.
I say today we start on a road where Americans have traveled few miles, today can we put aside the racial profiling of yesterday's? Can back a man who wants to lead all of America? Can we practice what God has asked us to do thru His Son Jesus Christ? I wonder do my Black brother's realize that prejudice is not a White issue only. That American's of all color's and nationalities must stand together. Can we not discriminate on the basis of religious differences? Is America ready to change and to once again help each other in this paradise that God has created for us? Can we live in Harmony and Peace? Can I look at other's beliefs and allow them to have them without condemnation? John Kennedy said "Ask not what your country can do for you...Ask what you can do for your country." And even then America struggled with it's conciseness...Martin Luther King said "A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom". That is where we are today a nation trying with all it's might to control the rest of the world to see thing's from our viewpoint...It did not work in the 1700's and it has never worked for anyone but for so long. Robert Kennedy so graphically said " It is not enough to understand, or to see clearly. The future will be shaped in the arena of human activity, by those willing to commit their minds and their bodies to the task".
President Barack Obama said so eloquently "This is the source of our confidence: the knowledge that God calls on us to shape an uncertain destiny.This is the meaning of our liberty and our creed, why men and women and children of every race and every faith can join in celebration across this magnificent mall. And why a man whose father less than 60 years ago might not have been served at a local restaurant can now stand before you to take a most sacred oath." So today I pray that the Dream has come true and beilieve Yes We Can.
Archie A. Young
Transcript of Barack H. Obama's Innaugral Speech
Transcript Of John F. Kennedy's Innaugral Speech
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The 44th President Of The United States
WASHINGTON — Barack Hussein Obama claimed his place in history as America's first black president Tuesday, summoning a dispirited and divided nation to unite in hope against the "gathering clouds and raging storms" of unfinished war and grave economic woe. A jubilant crowd of more than a million waited for hours in frigid temperatures to witness the moment as a young black man with a foreign-sounding name took command of a nation founded by slaveholders. It was a scene watched in fascination by many millions — perhaps billions — around the world. "We gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord," the nation's 44th president said. The presidency passed to Democrat Obama from Republican George W. Bush at the stroke of noon, marking one of democracy's greatest gifts: the peaceful transfer of power. Buoyant and relaxed through the three days of pre-inaugural festivities, Obama seemed somber as he stood on the Capitol steps, placed his left hand on the Bible used by Abraham Lincoln and repeated the inaugural oath "to preserve, protect and defend" a Constitution that originally defined blacks as three-fifths of a person. A deafening cheer went up. "What is required of us now is a new era of responsibility — a recognition, on the part of every American, that we have duties to ourselves, our nation, and the world, duties that we do not grudgingly accept but rather seize gladly," Obama said. "This is the price and the promise of citizenship."
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
It Just Won't work For Me.
After just watchig this I am happy that I do not have to muddle thru this to find God.
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I alway's loved this song, even as a child I could visualize the lyrics... Lyrics | - SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW lyrics
On 7-17-77 A journey began that will never end for Love is Eternal. When we are in the daily remembrance of life's journey we sometim...