In this time of ever increasing turmoil on our planet, people everywhere are turning to God, begging, hoping, praying to hear God’s message for themselves and for our world. In their supplications, the earnestly seek to know: Can one even have a conversation with God?
God herself tell us yes. His words to humanity are clear:
“I talk to everyone all the time. The question is not to whom does God talk. The question is, who listens?”
Early in Conversations with God-Book One we are told that God communicates with us most often through feeling. Feeling is the language of the soul.
“If you want to know what’s true for you about something,” God said, “look to how you’re feeling about it. Feelings are sometimes difficult to discover, and often even more difficult to acknowledge. Yet hidden in your deepest feelings is your highest truth.”
God also communicates with thought, and often uses images and pictures to do so, which makes thoughts more effective than mere words as tools of communication.
In addition to feelings and thought, God also uses the vehicle of experience as a grand communicator.
When feelings, thought and experience all fail, God uses words to communicate. Words are the least effective communicator; they are most open to misinterpretation because they are merely utterances – noises that stand for feelings, thoughts and experience. They are symbols, signs, insignias. They are not Truth. They are not the real thing.
Words may help you to understand something. Experience allows you to know. Yet there are some things you cannot experience, so God has given you other tools of knowing (i.e., feelings and thoughts).
“Ironically, you have placed so much importance on the Word of God, and so little on the experience,” God said. “In fact, you place so little value on experience that when what you experience of God differs from what you’ve heard of God, you automatically discard the experience and own the words, when it should be the other way around.”
Your experience and your feelings about a thing represent what you factually and intuitively know about that thing. Words can only seek to symbolize what you know, and can often confuse what you know.
Many words have been uttered by others in God’s name, and many thoughts and feelings have been sponsored by causes not of God’s direct creation, and many experiences result from these. So, the challenge is one of discernment – the difficulty is knowing the difference between messages from God and data from other sources.
Here, in God’s own words, is a basic rule: God’s message is always your Highest Thought (that thought which contains joy), your Clearest Word (words which contain truth), your Grandest Feeling (that feeling you call love). Anything less is from another source.
The next question is whether God’s messages will be heeded. Most are not. Some because they are too good to be true; others because they seem too difficult to follow; many because they are simply misunderstood; and most because they are not received. God’s most powerful messenger is experience, and even this you ignore.
Your world would not be in its present condition were you to have simply listened to your experience. The result of your not listening is that you keep re-living it, over and over again. For God’s purpose will not be thwarted, nor will God’s will be ignored. You will get the message, sooner or later. God will not force or coerce you, however, for She has given you free will — the power to do as you choose — and He will never take that away from you.
Friday, July 24, 2015
Listening For Your Experience
Thursday, July 23, 2015
God's Good News
by Neale Donald Walsch
May 20, 2015
The cause of all of the terrorism and warring between people during this tumultuous time has at last been identified. In just a few short paragraphs offered to humanity in the book The New Revelations, God made it clear that the problem facing the world today is a spiritual problem.
“Your ideas about spirituality are killing you,” She said. The challenge, God made clear, is that humans keep trying to solve the world’s problems as if it were a political problem, or an economic problem, or even a military problem, and it is none of these. “It is a spiritual problem,” God repeated, “and that is the one problem human beings don’t seem to know how to solve.”
Expanding on this observation, He said: “You keep saying that your Holy Book (your cultures have many different ones) is what has given you the authority to treat each other the way you are treating each other, to do what you are doing. You are able to say that only because you have not really listened to the deeper message of these books. You have read them, but you have not really listened to them.
“The basic message of all the sacred scriptures is the same,” God then reminded us. What is different, She said, is how human beings have been interpreting them. There is nothing “wrong” with having different interpretations, God made it clear. But, He added, “what may not benefit you is separating yourself over these differences, making each other wrong because of these differences, and killing each other as a result of these differences. This is what you are now doing. It is what you have been doing for quite some time.”
We humans are going to have to let go of this tendency if we ever want to see peace on the earth, our Deity said. But such a shift would require our species to dramatically shift its highest priority.
“There is only one thing for which human beings seem willing to give up everything,” God said in this remarkable book. “They will give up love, peace, health, harmony, happiness, safety, security, and even their sanity for this one thing.”
Asked what they one thing was, God replied, “Being right. You are willing to give up everything you’ve ever worked for, everything you’ve ever wanted, everything you’ve ever created, in order to be ‘right’.”
Yet there is a way to get past all of the mixed up beliefs of humanity that make us believe that we are “right” about everything, we are told in this dialogue with Deity, and that is to transcend those beliefs.
“Transcending means to go beyond, to move past,” God said. “It does not mean to completely reject or totally destroy. You do not have to destroy a thing in order to move past it. You would not want to destroy your old belief system in any event, because there is too much of it that you will wish to retain. ‘Transcending’ does not mean always being ‘other than.’ It means always being ‘larger than.’ Your new, larger belief system will no doubt retain some of the old – that part of the old belief system that you experience as still serving you – and so it will be a combination of the new and the old, not a rejection of the old from top to bottom.”
The reason humans have hung so tenaciously to their old beliefs is that they do not want to dishonor those beliefs by rejecting them completely, out of hand, we are told here. We think that this is the choice we have: Reject the old or accept the old, totally. Yet that is not the only choice we have, God has made it clear. We can review the old and see what parts of the old no longer work. We can expand the old to make some parts of the old work better. We can add to the old to make some parts of our belief system new.
“Rejecting completely your present beliefs would be to discredit so much of what has been taught, so much of what has been understood, so much of what has been done – and so much of what has been good. It would make too much of the world feel ‘wrong.’ It would make ancestors ‘wrong.’ It would make entire scriptures ‘wrong.’ It would make present-day lives ‘wrong.’ People would have to admit that all of the spiritual aspects of the human experience have been a mistake, a misunderstanding. This is more than most people can acknowledge,” God explained.
Actually, She added, “it is more than they should acknowledge, because it is not true. In fact, you don’t have to declare that you were “wrong” about anything, because you weren’t. You simply didn’t have a complete understanding. You needed more information. Transcending current beliefs is not an outright rejection of them; it is an ‘adding to’ them.”
Humanity has learned a great deal about life and about our Deity, God concluded. “Now that you have more information that you can add to what you presently believe,” He said, “you can enlarge your beliefs – not completely reject them, enlarge them – and move on with your lives in a new way. A way that works.”
The question now is whether humanity will do that. That is, God said, up to us.
JFK Quotes
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