“ God has never stopped communications directly with humans. God has been communicating with, and through human beings from the beginning of time. God does so today. ”
- The New Revelations-First New Revelation p 80
Bulletin #649
June 12, 2015
Why don’t we take care of ourselves?
A Note from Neale...
My Dear Friends,
We are not paying enough attention to our health. Not as individuals, and certainly not as a planet. This is the single most important factor in our physical lives, and most of us are simply not paying enough attention to it.
Conversations with God observes that our planet is populated by sentient beings of a rather primitive nature, and that what separates primitive beings from the highly evolved beings of the Universe is a particular behavior of highly evolved beings.
Says CwG: “They observe what is so, and they do what works."
We do not.
We observe what is so and do not see it, or, worse yet, pretend that it isn’t so. Or we observe what is so, and do not do “what works,” because we simply don’t care what is so. Or we observe what is so, and we say that we care, but we do nothing to demonstrate that we care.
This is particularly true when it comes to how we manage our own health. Most of us don’t create our health, we react to it. Recent studies show that 50 percent of all deaths and 70 percent of all illness in America are self-inflicted. Read that “self-inflicted,” meaning those illnesses could have been avoided; meaning death did not have to occur due to those causes.
And just what are those causes? They could all be lumped into one major (and embarrassing) category: lack of self-discipline. Specifically, improper diets, inadequate exercise, use of tobacco, and alcohol abuse. Also, personal living habits that create stress.
Recently, I presented a two-day seminar on the messages in CwG. The room was filled with what I felt to be very conscious people, yet I was amazed at the number of them (nearly half) who, on their breaks, went outside to have a smoke. I observed an even greater number who ate red meat at every meal.
And when we talked about living habits in the group discussion, I could see that many in the room (most, actually) were still creating lifestyles filled with deadlines, pressure, and lack of career or personal fulfillment. All of this leads to stress.
Scientists and doctors report that stress is the number one cause of chronic illness in America today, that 40 percent of our citizens (that’s over 100 million people) now suffer from some form of chronic disorder, and that those numbers are predicted to only get worse.
Chronic disease is described as a disease for which modern medicine says there is no cure. These include heart disease, asthma, arthritis, migraines, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, ulcerative colitis, thyroid disease, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s—terrible diseases that last for years, many of them causing recurring pain. Fully 69 percent of all hospital admissions are for treatment of chronic illness.
Sadly, all that hospitals can offer is palliative care. Few providers offer treatment approaches that address the cause of all this illness, although all of them know the cause—just as do the people who are experiencing the chronic illness.
In America today we do not have a health care system, we have a disease care system. It seeks to take care of people with diseases. It does nothing to take care of people with good health, to allow them to keep their good health, yet this is the single most effective means of improving the overall health of our nation and cutting medical care costs in this country. All of the evidence to that effect notwithstanding, our priority in America is treatment of disease, with less than 1 percent of our trillion-dollar annual health budget earmarked for prevention.
What is needed here is education... and persuasion... and, in my view, a spiritual conversion. Too many of the people who call themselves “spiritual” are not spiritual enough to want to take optimum care of their own bodies. And I’m afraid that I’ve been included in that very group. Yet, if we really want to evolve as a species, we may benefit from taking the first and most elementary step in the evolutionary process: keeping ourselves alive, and doing it longer.
There are signs that we are beginning. For the first time in history, more Americans are going to alternative health care providers than to allopathic physicians. That points to a trend that has begun as a result of greater public awareness of the availability of those alternative approaches, and of their effectiveness.
What is needed now, if we truly choose for the human race to evolve to the next level, is all-out commitment. That means you and me.
If you’re smoking, you may now want to stop.
If you’re drinking alcohol, you may want to limit yourself to a very occasional sip.
If you’re eating red meat every day, you may want to cut back.
If you’re not engaged in a program of regular exercise, you may want to start one.
If you’re feeling worried, pressured, and stressed out much of the time, you may want to try a little meditation now and then. (Like, daily.)
All of these are preventative measures. They will help you stay outside of that group of four in ten Americans (if you are an American), with chronic illnesses. And speaking of prevention, do a little chiropractic every now and then, not just when you’re in pain. Treat yourself to a full-body massage once in a while. And ask the boss if it could be worked out for a massage therapist to come to the office once or twice a week to give those neat little 15-minute hand, back, and neck massages. Watch the stress go way down, and the production go way up.
Find out about acupressure and acupuncture. Visit an aroma therapist. Check out a local reflexologist. And make regular visits to your naturopathic physician.
And straighten out your diet. You’ve been promising to do it for a long time.
There’s a great deal more you can do. You can begin to do as highly evolved beings do. Observe “what’s so” (smoking causes cancer, starches make you fat, a constant diet of red meat is bad for you, etc.), then do “what works.”
Decide that you really care for yourself. Or, if you can’t go there, decide that you really care about your loved ones—who do not want you to leave your body for a very long time.
Here’s to better health, and better health habits, for all of us.
With Love,
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