Thursday, June 10, 2010

We Show Our True Color Again!!!!

Reading Yesterday's USA Today and there is an article that shows a mass exodous of hispanic peoples...Not only have they seen school enrollment shrink but there economy is down as well...Longtime hispanic buisnessmen who counted on the hispanic trade are shutting their doors as well...So what we have in the aftermath is an exodous of people and business and money...So if the braintrust behind the New Law there thought this thru which I am sure they did not...we should see a marked improvement in their unemployment numbers for June...But you we are not going to see that because those jobs were not counted in the employment index any way. There were no jobs taken from Americans and it's zeal to take all people from oppression once again the government is the bad guy...Sad America we were once the beacon of light now we are many times the dark tunnel.

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